Monday, August 16, 2010

Smiling through the agony: Twins struck with breast cancer learn that just one of them is going to survive

As children, identical twins Judith Brownhill and Heather Mole looked alike and dressed alike. They even had the same illnesses.

When that trend continued into adulthood, the consequences were more serious.

They were diagnosed with breast cancer within two months of each other.

But in a cruel twist, their mirrored lives may now be about to divide – as Judith’s disease has gone into remission while Heather is terminally ill.

Identical twins Heather Mole (left) and Judith Brownhill have both beaten breast cancer in the past. But Heather is now terminally ill while Judith has been given the all clear after they both developed it again

Identical twins Heather Mole (left) and Judith Brownhill have both beaten breast cancer in the past. But Heather is now terminally ill while Judith has been given the all clear after they both developed it again.

The twins, 54, have both had the disease before – Mrs Mole 20 years ago and Mrs Brownhill ten years ago.

But with remarkable courage they say their relationship has been strengthened by the latest ordeal.

‘We’ve done everything together,’ said Mrs Brownhill, a retired teacher.

‘We had the same childhood illnesses, so in a strange way it does not surprise me that we both have the same illness now.

‘I should have been punching the air when I finished my treatment but instead I was tearful at the thought of losing my sister.

‘It’s the worst blow you could be dealt, but seeing Heather so happy for me makes me appreciate life and want to live every moment for her.’

Mrs Mole, a retired nurse, said: ‘It was wonderful news when she told me she was okay, even though I knew it would be tough for her to tell me.

‘It’s strange, but it felt like a relief as much as anything, as I knew she would be there for my son when I’m gone.

‘Cancer is a cruel disease, but it is the best news ever that Judith is recovering – I wouldn’t want it any other way.’

Mrs Brownhill realised something wasn’t right when she was on holi day in Bermuda with husband Roger, 70, in September 2008.

Heather (left) and twin sister Judith in 1960 aged 4. Heather said she was glad her sister will survive as she can look out for her son

Heather (left) and twin sister Judith in 1960 aged 4. Heather said she was glad her sister will survive as she can look out for her son.

When she returned home, she went to her family doctor and tests confirmed she was suffering from the disease again.

Her diagnosis convinced her twin she should be checked and just weeks later she discovered she was also suffering from the disease for a second time.

Mrs Brownhill, of Prestbury, Cheshire, and Mrs Mole of Mossley, Greater Manchester, began their gruelling courses of chemotherapy at almost the same time.

But further tests revealed that Mrs Mole’s cancer had spread to her liver and was terminal.

Last week Mrs Brownhill finished a course of the breast cancer drug Herceptin, and was told her cancer was in remission.

Mrs Mole said she was relieved when she heard her sister was in remission because she would be able to ‘watch out’ for her only son, Robert Pullan, 30.

There is a history of breast cancer in their family. Their mother Sheila Pendlebury, 81, was diagnosed with the disease 13 years ago and their aunt was struck down at 37, though both survived.

But their case is rare as they do not have a gene muta tion which would make them pre disposed towards the disease.

The twins are undergoing treatment at Christie Hospital and St Ann’s Hospice’s Neil Cliffe Centre in Manchester.

Dr Sacha Howell, from the Chris tie Hospital, said the risk of women getting breast cancer is one in nine.

But for identical twins of women already diagnosed with the disease the risk rises to one in three.

Despite the blow, the sisters are determined to make the most of the time they have left together.

Mrs Mole said: ‘We feel like our case is one in a million.

‘We are unlucky but feel philo sophical – I’ve had a good 20 years of life [since her first diagnosis] and have seen my son grow up. I am grateful for every day I get with my wonderful family.

‘In a weird way, Judith getting cancer the sec ond time probably prolonged my life as it persuaded me to get checked out. It was a bombshell but I’m just grateful one of us has got through it.’

Mrs Brownhill said: ‘Although my cancer is in remission I haven’t been given the all clear and I had to take it one day at a time. These are difficult times but we are there for each other.’

To raise money for the St Ann’s Hospice the twins are to take part in a fashion show in October.

A study published yesterday showed the number of breast can cer deaths in the UK has fallen dra matically since the 1980s.

The number was down from 41 in every 100,000 to 28 – equivalent to 12,000 lives saved a year.

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