Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hanging out during lunch?

Many sunburn victims are ignoring advice to stay out of strong sunlight between 11am and 3pm (posed)

The desire for a tan - when the sun finally comes out - is so strong that people risk their health by popping out for a top-up in their lunch hour, says a new survey.

Even though most sun-worshippers protect their skin on the beach, office workers are much less prepared when they sit in the park to soak up the rays.

Only one in ten Britons applies sun cream before heading out for lunch, leaving a staggering 90 per cent at risk of potential skin damage by tanning during the hottest part of the day. One in six of us admits to suffering sunburn during their lunch break.

This rises to one in four people living in northern towns like Newcastle - where just seven per cent of workers ever slap on sunscreen when they head out at lunchtime, says the survey.

But even in the south, where sunnier days are more frequent, those in search of a tan often fail to take precautions.

One in five workers in Brighton & Hove and Portsmouth say they got sunburn while taking a break from the office, according to research from Tesco Bank’s health insurance team.

Skin specialists warn sunburn victims to stay out of strong sunlight at peak times - 11am to 3pm - because their skin has increased sensitivity and they are at greater risk of skin cancer.

Sunburn puts people in a 'high risk' category along with the fair-skinned and those with a history of skin cancer, who have to take extra precautions against UV light.

The latest survey found a sunny day lures most of us (86 per cent) out of the office, with workers eating their lunch outdoors on average of three to four times a week when the weather permits.

Around one in seven people say they enjoy sunbathing during the lunch hour, with one-third of those in Edinburgh and Wrexham seeking a tan while at work.

Half of 3,000 people questioned felt that the sun was stronger abroad than in the UK - even though it can be as strong here in peak summer - which could explain why many people leave themselves exposed to skin damage during the working week.

Jeremy Sutton, head of health insurance at Tesco Bank, said 'We all enjoy time away from our desks at lunch time during the summer months.

'While the sun is out, it’s important to highlight the risk of spending long periods of time in the sun without protection at home as well as abroad.

'It only takes one serious burn to potentially have lasting consequences when it comes to your skin. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to your health.'

More than 10,400 Britons are diagnosed each year with malignant melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, which claims about 2,000 lives.

It is diagnosed more frequently in women and is the most common kind of cancer for women in their 20s.

Experts at Cancer Research UK charity predict melanoma will become the 4th most common cancer by 2024, compared with 6th most common cancer in men and women today.

Suffering from bad sunburn in the teenage years can push up the chances 13-fold of developing melanoma in later life, usually between the age of 40 and 60, although young adults may also get the disease.

Bevis Man of the British Skin Foundation said 'Being outside during the lunch break is certainly a great way to get some air and stretch those legs away from the office.

'However what people need to realise is that people with fair skin can burn in a matter of minutes in the strong summer sun, so it’s always better to be prepared and slap on some sunscreen before heading out.

'There is a huge misconception that the sun in the UK is not as strong as in countries abroad and this could prove to be a potentially deadly mistake.

'Allowing yourself to burn increases the risk of skin cancer at a later stage, so we would not recommend people go out during their lunch break solely for the purpose of sunbathing.'

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