Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fatherhood sends a man's hormones into a spin to help him bond with newborn child

They have already tried to steal women's thunder by claiming sympathetic pregnancies.

Now men are claiming fatherhood sends their hormones into a spin.

Research shows that levels of oxytocin, the 'cuddle chemical' released into the blood during labour, also rise in new fathers.

Research shows that levels of oxytocin, the 'cuddle chemical' released into the blood during labour, also rise in new fathers

Fatherhood also brings with it a surge in prolactin, a hormone more commonly linked to milk production in new mothers.

Both hormones were traditionally thought to help mother and baby bond. But these studies suggest men benefit from them too.

Researcher Ruth Feldman said: 'This seems to be evolution's way of helping men turn into good parents as soon as they have a baby.

'These hormones seem to have a powerful role in helping men bond with their newly-born children.'

Professor Feldman, of the Bar-Ilan University in Israel, studied levels of the two hormones in new fathers in the six months after the arrival of their first 'They rewire men's brains' child.

The men were also filmed while cuddling and playing with their children. This revealed a strong correlation between hormone levels and how good the fathers were at playing and communicating with their babies.

It is thought that in the months after becoming a father, the hormones rewire men's brains, making them more empathic.

Writing in the journal Hormones and Behavior, the professor said: 'It is possible that, as the father's daily encounters with his infant increase ... the prolactin and oxytocin systems reorganise and create new connections.'

This could go some way to explain why some men appear to be reformed personalities after having children.

But Dr Michael Craig, of the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, said: 'Oxytocin is also known to rise in response to elevated levels of stress, so this could also be part of the explanation.'

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